- This Offer is provided by Jasmin -
Somatic Experiencing©
„ A Trauma suppresses the unfolding of life. It interrupts the connection to ourselves, to other people, to nature and to our spiritual source."
(Dr. Peter A. Levine)
Somatic Experiencing is a psycho-physiologically based concept for the treatment and resolution of shock and trauma. It was devised by the American psychologist and biologist Dr. Peter A. Levine in decades of work and has been tested and applied with great success.
Somatic Experiencing is suitable to overcome traumatic shock and transform early attachment and developmental trauma. The goal of Somatic Experiencing is to restore the natural self-regulation in the nervous system and thereby transform the symptoms that have developed in the body as a result of shock and trauma.
An event becomes a trauma when it hurts our mental protective cover and leaves us with a feeling of being overwhelmed and helpless. Traumatising experiences can arise in many different life situations: Traffic accidents, falls, operations, serious illnesses, injuries, the loss of a close person, neglect in childhood or prenatal threats in the womb are just as much a part of it as war, natural disasters or sexual violence. Even seemingly ordinary events, such as medical treatment, a dog bite or witnessing violence on television can be traumatic.
Somatic Experiencing defines trauma not primarily by the event, but by the physical reaction to the event. In a threatening situation, an emergency program automatically runs in the nervous system: fight, flight, paralysis or collapse. Only when the immense energy mobilised in the process is discharged, the danger for the body is over. Otherwise it remains on alert. The "energy for survival" is bound in the nervous system and trauma occurs. If people are supported in the right way, they can recover from their traumas and restore their inner balance.
Somatic Experiencing has changed my life! After trying many different approaches of therapy, I was touched and in great awe of how natural and effective this way of therapy felt and applied to me.
I am still amazed every time when I give or receive a session how precisely the intelligence of life works. If we just trust and give it the space, time and safe container it needs, it leads us back to that state of true self-regulation, inner balance and perfect order.
The inner change it has caused is so profound that everything around me, my relationships, my daily life, my health condition, truly my whole life, have been touched by this inner shift. In short: My life has become unspectacularly blissful. In this journey with Somatic Experiencing I am arriving more and more into the magic and peaceful reality of the here and now, feeling more grounded and centred than ever.
I am now finishing the last year of my training in Somatic Experiencing. As an Advanced SE Practitioner I am happy to offer Somatic Experiencing sessions.
Somatic Experiencing session (1 hour) CHF 130.-
Online sessions are also available. The first session must be in aura.
It is important to me that money does not prevent you from taking sessions.
Please contact me personally and we will find a solution.
You can pay in cash or via e-banking. We are happy to provide you with receipts.
Please note that Somatic Experiencing is not yet recognised by health insurance companies.
Cancellation policy
Up to 24 hours before your appointment you can cancel or postpone it.
In case of later cancellation, we unfortunately have to charge you the full session costs. Thank you for your understanding.