- This Offer is provided by Jasmin -


Baby and Child Blessing




„As long as your children are small, give them roots, when they grow bigger, give them wings.“ 

Khalil Gibran 


Is there a bigger miracle then a newborn child?

Is there anything more precious than our children?

In this loving and profound ritual we welcome your child to the earth and to the extended family.


The important elements of this blessing ceremony are:


- The purification of the place and of those present with incense.

- The child is consciously brought into contact with all elements and blessed. 

- The blessing of loving people surrounding the child.

- Godparenthood and other important connections are sealed before witnesses.

- Together we thank the earth and the source of all life and plant a tree for the child. 

- Celebration of the life of this child with songs, poetry and music.

- At the end of the ceremony, we share a meal and celebrate.


This is a general outline, your personal wishes are woven in individually.